“After LAMP training I understand that wild animals are not for government but ours. That wild animals and our environment are beneficial to the community, thus we must protect them and take good care of them.”
“I am ready to offer leadership.”
LAMP graduate
Lekurruki Community Conservancy, Kenya
Women from the Lekurruki and Il Ngwesi Community Conservancies in Kenya who completed the Leadership and Management Program (LAMP) in February 2021, were asked to evaluate their experience of the training and share insights into their newly acquired knowledge. The training consisted of monthly two to three day modules with module one kicking off in November 2020.
This LAMP training was the first in northern Kenya dedicated solely to women. The 30 women trainees—many with little or no formal schooling—were recruited from traditional communities. The training program is a unique program developed specifically to equip these communities with mainstream leadership and management skills.
According to Allan Ward, creator of the LAMP training, “as the training progressed it was both humbling and inspiring to see the women become fully aware of their individual potential—despite their lack of schooling—and for them to see the opportunity they have to take leadership to impact their families, communities and the environment.”
The following are extracts from trainee feedback. These translated responses are presented below as received.

Il Ngwesi
Through LAMP training, I gained skills to unite people and I always advocate for transparency to win trust among one another.
LAMP training has enabled me to understand the benefits that comes to us from wildlife. Also advocating their conservation will lead to better lives and healthy coexistence.
Following LAMP training, I understood the importance of wildlife to us as livelihood.
I am more courageous and confident in addressing issues unlike before LAMP training.
[Following the LAMP training program] the kitchen garden that I started is giving me fresh vegetables and onions for my use. Sometimes I sell onions and get profit.
I advise other women to attend LAMP training when opportunity comes because it is a very good training that will help people to be independent and more productive as it motivate and encourage people by use of relevant examples that are easily understood by all people: illiterate and literate of all age group.
LAMP has given me knowledge to appreciate and protect wildlife. You can tell people to avoid killing them, or even chase, disturb them with dogs, even birds.
I was not confident, but after LAMP I can address a meeting.
LAMP training has given me courage to take leadership role when opportunity comes.
Given opportunity, am ready to lead because LAMP training gave me knowledge on how to relate with people.
I accepted that women are leaders too.
LAMP training assist one to solve problem, work hard.
I discovered that conservation is my obligation. It gives us benefits. I also learnt that wildlife are ours not for government.
I understood that hard work pays and started selling vegetables and some food stuffs.
I am confident and can talk in a group, unlike before the LAMP training.
Through my small business, I can get some money to purchase food – a profit.
I tell other women that LAMP training can open many ways of becoming resilient, avoiding poverty.
In my leadership position, I always encourage them that women are leaders just like men and be bold to take leadership position.
LAMP training has given me skills to solve conflicts.
LAMP training has given me courage and confidence … I am more organized unlike before LAMP. LAMP has enabled me to believe everything is possible with plan and determination.
LAMP training has given me good understanding of conservancy structures and benefits that comes through conservation.
Following LAMP training, I became confident and am able to contribute in meetings. Also I plan my work well unlike before LAMP training.
To other women, LAMP training help one to discover their potential and to see opportunity, and take chance to utilize. LAMP training accommodate all – illiterate and literate all ages.
Through LAMP training I know the effect of cutting trees so I can protect it.
The wildlife are beneficial, just like livestocks, because through them we get revenue, scholarship.
To other women, I can tell them that LAMP training gives us knowledge to be resilient. LAMP training is a need to everybody because it opens our eyes and minds to succeed in life, by overcoming poverty.
The training had a profound impact on the trainees, as well as on us as trainers! This program confirmed to us the tremendous importance and benefit of empowering women in these traditional communities—it is something we simply must do more of.
Allan Ward – LAMP creator

The LAMP training has taught me the importance of our forest, as it is home for wild animals and provide food to them. Both forest, wild animals, are useful to human being.
I also understood my role to offer protection.
LAMP training opens one’s mind to think broadly and enables problems / conflict resolution at a personal level. The training is very important to everyone because one is motivated to work hard towards a set goal, with a timeframe.
LAMP training empowers women to be providers at their homes. Also women will understand their rights and their contributions in the society.
I knew very little about wildlife conservation, but after LAMP training I understood their benefits to us and how we can support our conservancies and investors within our areas for proper relationship.
LAMP training made me understand conservancy structure and difference between leadership and management.
LAMP training taught me the conservancy structure and the importance of conservation of wildlife and environment. This is because through them we get employment, scholarship, market for our locally made crafts, e.g. bead crafts. Also tourism will come to see our wildlife and spend in our lodges bring revenue.
Like the blind person who climbed the tall mountain I am more motivated and energised that I fenced my own home, started my shop, and in addition I saw the need to be informed and bought myself a radio.
LAMP training enlightens people to have open minds and equip one with business skills. Also the training makes one more motivated and never to lose hope. LAMP training assists women to be independent.
LAMP has taught me that wildlife are a source of livelihood just like livestock. Through wildlife we get security and tourism who bring finances and development. Also, I know through LAMP that the cutting down trees brings poverty to us.
Following LAMP, I own wildlife as my source of livelihood. Hence I protect them and teach people on their benefits.
LAMP training has given me problem solving skills and good time management.
[Activity started post-LAMP]: Selling sugar at home.
Through the sale of sugar, I am able to save some profit with assist me to pay transportation for my children to school, and also enables me to buy utensils, clothings.
LAMP training opens one’s eyes to see and utilize opportunity. Also LAMP empowers women to be active in our society and make them courageous, to take leadership positions that we always assume its for men.
If you would like to make a meaningful difference to wildlife conservation in Africa by upskilling indigenous communities like these, we welcome your contribution.